Cleans Contaminated Water

Eco-Char is an activated Char based product designed to act as a low cost filter medium to treat:
- Produced water
- Frac flow back water
- Other water waste streams
The product comes in a dry granular form.
The Eco-Char product is designed to be placed in filter housing as a loose medium.
Recommended application:
Eco-Char is designed to remove organics and other non-soluble contaminates from water of other aqueous fluids.
Bulk delivery to site 10 - 15 tons1/2 ton Super Sacks
20 lb plastic bags

EcoSponge™ by Confluence Energy, LLCP.O.Box 1387 • 1890 Highway 9
Kremmling, Colorado 80459
Phone 1-970-724-9839 • Fax 1-970-724-9905
Call 1-970-724-9839
To Order or for More Information
To Order or for More Information